I can’t believe it, but we are already almost to April. That means next weekend is General Conference! The last six months have flown by like they always do between Conferences. I love Conference weekend and as always, I am excited to hear what our modern-day Church Leaders feel inspired to share with us. What a blessing that we have the opportunity to soak in their wisdom! I love studying all about their lives too. Aren’t they amazing?? I am always inspired to be better when I read about any of the Prophets or members of the Quorum of the Twelve or other General Auxiliary leaders.
Even though I’ve read through it several times, this little book has been on my mind lately, so I thought I’d share here for any who are behind the times and haven’t read it yet! 😉

First off, I love the picture that was chosen for the cover and the cover design! Doesn’t it just seem so inviting? Of course, I want to read more about such a nice, friendly looking person! (That is if I didn’t already know who the book was about and want to read it based on that. 😉 ) The book is divided into four sections, each section a different phase in Pres. Nelson’s life. And each one is fascinating! So many wonderful, inspiring stories. So many amazing experiences he has had! What an incredible, intelligent but humble man! It’s hard to not come away knowing even more that he truly is one of the Lord’s prophets, taught and prepared for this purpose in these Latter Days.
Also, throughout are beautiful color photos that are so fun to look at. He has such a beautiful family. It’s hard to NOT get sucked in and not want to stop reading. Yeah? Think you can? Hmm. I dare you. Like I said, I’ve read through it several times already and still I pick it up and read through it again from time to time.
If you want to know more, here is what the cover and online description says:
More than a biography…
What kind of life preparation does the Lord give the men He will one day call to be prophet? And what are the lessons to be learned from such a life? From being raised in a home without the foundation of the gospel to the early days of his marriage and the stress of medical school to his last open-heart surgery in China, President Russell M. Nelson took advantage of every opportunity to learn and become more. In Insights from a Prophet s Life, Sheri Dew takes us through the life of President Nelson from childhood to the current day. This unique collection of life experiences is told in short episodes for the purpose of helping readers gain their own personal insights. For if we have much to learn from what a prophet says, surely we have much to learn from how a prophet lives.
If you haven’t read it yet and now you have decided you must, you can find the book at Deseret Book, either in store or online here. I’m sure you can also find it on Amazon as well because it’s, well Amazon. One suggestion, if you can – go with the hard copy! The first time I read it, I checked it out from the library and read it on my kindle (which was great) but it was difficult to see the pictures. Finally, I broke down and bought a hard copy. Deseret Book usually has a great sale over Conference Weekend, so… great time to buy! Either way, eBook or hard copy, this book is wonderful. Really, Sheri Dew did a wonderful job yet again. So, find yourself a copy and be inspired!
Happy reading!