Several months ago, I bought this little book not long after it came out, excited to read what Elder Bednar has to teach us about personal revelation. In the busyness of family birthdays and the holidays and a round of a flu bug that hit our family, I set it aside and forgot to come back to it. Then last weekend one of my kids knocked over a stack of books – and there it was. (It was kind of like in the movies when someone discovers gold in a mine.) As soon as I picked it up, I felt inspired to read it even though I am reading several other books. Then I went off to church and a sister in our ward who spoke last Sunday heavily referenced it in her talk. I definitely knew I needed to read it after that, so I’ve been eating it up and reading it everywhere I go this past week. It’s been the perfect book to help prepare for General Conference next month (already!)!
The book is divided into two sections. The first section is titled Principles and is ten principles Elder Bednar has observed and discovered in his own personal study of personal revelation. They aren’t in any particular order of importance or anything. He explains each principle in each chapter in Section one and gives supporting examples as he goes along. The second section is titled Episodes. This section is a compilation of personal stories shared by him, his wife, or one of his sons in which they experienced personal revelation (some made me cry!). Each one I felt honored they were willing to share with everyone willing to read the book. After each story, there is a page with three questions related to personal revelation and space for writing under each question. It’s a wonderful way to help you recognize personal revelation better.
Reading this book, I was struck by how much it is written and organized in such a loving way! I feel so blessed to have such a great resource from one of the Lord’s apostles. (Aren’t we lucky he not only studied this topic as much as he has but he then took the time to write a book explaining and teaching it better to us as well??) I ate up the first section. Some I already was familiar with. Some were aha moments for me. In the second section I find myself reading each personal story over and over so I can really ponder the questions and really recognize the lessons and hear what the Spirit is trying to teach me personally. And yes, I am writing it in as I go along. It really does help!
You can find the book at Deseret Book. If you wait a few weeks, they usually have a sale over Conference weekend. Or you can get it now and use it to help prepare for General Conference. It seems to me the Lord wants us to really know and understand personal revelation. It is something we hear about repeatedly (The Repetition Principle). Obviously, it’s important so we need to sit up and listen!! This little book is well worth the $20. The lessons learned within are priceless.